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Training Handouts and Guides

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Introduction to Searching

This guide will help you build your research question into a search strategy, which will save you time and help you find more relevant information.


Healthcare Databases Advanced Search (HDAS):

A Quick Guide

This short guide will give you the basic features of HDAS, and how to conduct a basic search. More information on HDAS can be found here


Critical Appraisal

A quick reference guide to resources available through the library


Online Searching Guide

This guide gives an overview of recommended evidence-based resources to help get you started with online searching.



This is a very brief guide to accessing the electronic (or e-) journals via NICE evidence Search.


Trip Leaflet

This leaflet tells you more about the Trip resource and how to access it.


NICE Evidence Search:

A Quick Guide

This guide will tell you more about NICE Evidence Search, which provides access to selected and authoritative evidence in health, social care and public health.


Guide to References and Citations

This is a brief guide to some of the styles of referencing in use today. Another useful source on the Harvard system can be found here.

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