Why Health Information Week?
We all know good quality health information helps patients manage their own health conditions and stay well, and contributes to better patient care. High quality information enables all of us - patients, staff, and members of the public - to maintain our health and wellbeing.
Have you ever wanted a more appropriate information resource for a specific patient? They might need something simpler, or something with more depth and detail, or answers to particular questions. Have you ever been unsure whether to trust a piece of health information? We’ve all come across bizarre and obviously untrue health claims on the internet or in the media, but sometimes it’s harder to spot poor quality health information.
What’s the easiest way to find the right health information?
There are plenty of resources which make it quicker and easier for you to find the right information for your patient, and for yourself. Health Information Week 2019 is an opportunity for you to find out more about:
Resources to support your patients – from the Trust’s patient information leaflets, to high quality websites, to the Access to Research initiative in public libraries.
Evaluating information resources and leaflets to decide whether they are reliable and relevant for your patients – quality marks, useful resources, and questions to ask.
Information resources to support your own health and well-being – the Library’s well-being collection, Change4Life, free internet resources to support resilience and mental health, and more.
Get involved!
Follow @UHDBLibrary and @Healthinfoweek on Twitter for links to useful health information resources
Tweet your favourite patient information tips and sources using #HIW2019
Look out for us on Tuesday 2nd July at London Road Community Hospital, Wednesday 3rd July at Queen’s Hospital, Burton, or Thursday 4th July at the main entrance at Royal Derby Hospital.
Book Suzanne Toft, Training Librarian, to come and speak to your team about what resources are available, and how to find and evaluate information for patients. Contact Suzanne on suzanne.toft@nhs.net or 88148 to arrange a time (in or after Health Information Week).
Ask the Patient Publications Service for support with information leaflets for your team to give to patients. Email dhft.pipublications@nhs.net or see FLO for details.