Plant Guide

Peace Lily
Peace lilies are great at filtering toxins in the air, and are easy to care for as they can tolerate low light (although they won't flower as much). They have very delicate roots, and over-watering is the thing that often kills them.

Keep the soil moist and don't overwater! Once a week is plenty, and every 2-3 weeks in the colder weather. Check the top 2cm of soil, and if dry, water. Look for drooping leaves as a sign to water.

They can survive in low light, but flower less. Leaves go yellow when dead, so remove these (young yellow leaves are a sign of over-watering). Brown leaves are a sign of too much light/scorching. Leaves can also go brown if they are stressed or over nourished, so cut back on the feed a while! They also don't like droughts or direct sunlight.