About Us
The UHDB Medical Museum collection is on display in cabinets across our hospital sites. The locations of the cabinets are:
The Royal Derby Hospital - on the main corridor, opposite the Faith Centre
Florence Nightingale Community Hospital - in the reception area
Queens Hospital Burton - Level 1 and Level 2 of Treatment Centre 1
Sir Robert Peel Community Hospital - next the the restaurant
The Library at the Royal Derby Hospital also has collections on display.
The Library provides an "Object Handling" session for staff wellbeing and as boredom-busters for patients on the Wards. We also provide a pop-up museum for events. ​If you would like to book any of these sessions, or require further information then please contact the Library on uhdb.library@nhs.net
​Have something to donate? Please contact Beth Rawson, Medical Museum Curator on 01332 7089235 or email: beth.rawson@nhs.net
Please feel free to get in touch with us using the form below: