Supporting Derby and Derbyshire Primary Care and ICB Staff

NHS OpenAthens is the single username and password for nearly all the library resources purchased for NHS staff. Register here if you haven't already.
Use Primary care and ICB staff in Derbyshire as your organisation.

Literature and Evidence Searching
If you would like me to run an in-depth literature or evidence search, I can search databases such as Medline, Embase and CINAHL on your behalf. I will discuss and devise a search strategy based on your search topic or research question and then send you a list of useful and relevant articles.
There are three levels of searches. Choose from:​

Group and one-to-one training are available to all primary care and ICG staff in Derbyshire in-person or via Microsoft Teams.
Sessions include:
Finding the evidence
Literature searching
Health literacy
Reflective writing
Academic writing
Writing for publication
Critical appraisal
Email me to arrange a training session or check out the The Hub Derbyshire training events calendar.
e-LfH is a Health Education England Programme in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies. Click the logo to go to their site.

Point of Care and Quick Search
NHS Knowledge and Library Hub has been designed to connect NHS staff and learners to knowledge and evidence resources in one place.
Clinical Knowledge Summaries are concise, accessible summaries of the current evidence base and practical guidance on best practice for primary care practitioners organised by topic or specialty. Each topic is summarised and covers diagnosis, management, background information and prescribing information (if relevant).
BMJ Best Practice is a clinical decision support tool that takes you quickly and accurately to the latest evidence-based information on symptom evaluation, differential diagnosis, test ordering and treatment approach.
The Trip Pro database is a clinical search engine designed to help you find and use high-quality research evidence to support practice and care. Around 70% of journal articles in Trip Pro link to full-text article to help save you time.

Healthcare Databases
for In-Depth Searching
Click on a square for more information

E-Books and E-Journals
BrowZine Library – Find a Journal
Use BrowZine to easily find, read, and monitor thousands of scholarly journals available to you via the NHS Library and Knowledge Hub.
Collections include BMJ Journals, Health Research Premium and PsycARTICLES from ProQuest and Psychology and Behavioural Sciences from EBSCO.
E-books on a range of clinical and other subjects, including equality and diversity, and sustainability. Titles include: General Practice Cases at a Glance, Children and Young People’s Nursing Skills at a Glance, Communication in Nursing and Healthcare.
Over 130 full-text e-books, including Oxford Handbooks, Oxford Textbooks and Emergencies in series. Titles include: Oxford Handbook of General Practice and Oxford Handbook of Primary Care and Community Nursing.
Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines
Prescribing guidelines for mental health practitioners