Please be aware that you will need to login with OpenAthens before setting up a personal account. Visit OpenAthens to set up an account.
DynaMed is a clinical information resource that provides the most useful information to healthcare professionals at the point-of-care.
Written and designed by a team of specialized physicians, DynaMed is a clinical reference tool which provides fast, easy access to the latest evidence-based information. An indispensable resource for valid, relevant and convenient content, DynaMed includes clinically-organized summaries for thousands of topics. It is also updated several times daily as new evidence becomes available, supplying healthcare professionals with the information they need to make the best-informed decisions at the point of care.
​Create a Personal User Account.
Personalise your DynaMed experience with improved topic and evidence alerts and a seamless mobile app integration.
For instructions on how to create a Personal User Account go here.
Accessing the DynaMed App
Instructions on how to download and access the app can be found here
Quick links:
Click the button to be taken straight to Dynamed support pages, where you will find a user guide and help topics:

Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care.
Trip has been online since 1997 and in that time has developed into the internet’s premier source of evidence-based content. Our motto is ‘Find evidence fast’ and this is something we aim to deliver for every single search.
As well as research evidence we also allow clinicians to search across other content types including images, videos, patient information leaflets, educational courses and news.
If you click the "How to use Trip" button, you will be taken to their website help page, which will give you access to several video guides. Including how to sign up, search and use "PICO" in a search. If you would like to know more on search techniques and finding information, please look at our training pages.

Ebook Central was selected by the library to provide authoritative ebooks in a range of subjects from the world's top publishers.
Use Ebook Central to quickly and easily find relevant ebooks and chapters; read online; search within the ebook; and highlight, take notes and bookmark pages in your online copy, stored on your bookshelf for you. You can also share your research with others, download ebooks and chapters to your laptop or mobile device, and more.
There is a dedicated help page on the Proquest E-book website which can be found by clicking the button below. There you will find guides on searching, downloading and more, with a link to further answers on the support page.

The e-LfH Hub is an educational web-based platform that provides quality assured online training content for the UK’s healthcare workforce. The content has been created in partnership with the relevant professional bodies, typically Royal Colleges, and e-LfH e-learning specialists.
Support on the site can be found here.
You can also download a PDF quick start guide by clicking the button below.

The NIHR Dissemination Centre (NIHR DC) aims to put research evidence at the heart of decisions made in the NHS.
Its work helps clinicians, commissioners and patients to make evidence-based decisions about which treatments and practices are most effective and provide the best use of resources.
The centre critically appraises the latest health research from both within the NIHR and other research organisations to identify the most reliable, relevant and significant findings.
It then disseminates these findings as actionable, accessible, and trustworthy information in the form of Signals, Highlights and Themed Reviews.
We critically assess hundreds of the latest research papers from both the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) and other research providers to identify the most reliable and significant findings.
The Centre takes these findings and produces three different types of report that summarise and interpret the evidence:
NIHR Signals: Accessible, timely summaries of the most recent, relevant and important research published every week on the Discover Portal.
NIHR Highlights: Reviews of research in key areas, targeted at practitioners, decision-makers and patients.
Themed Reviews: In-depth reviews across topic areas, looking at current evidence, research in progress and the implications for practice.
Our reports offer:
Actionable outcomes: Our editorial team scrutinise hundreds of papers to identify only the most important research that can be reliably used to inform health decisions.
Expert insight: We work with some of the leading experts in their fields to assess research outcomes and explain what the implications are for health and social care practice.
Unbiased reporting: Our Signals, Highlights and Themed Reviews are free of political or commercial bias.

PubMed comprises over 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. PubMed citations and abstracts include the fields of biomedicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering. PubMed also provides access to additional relevant web sites and links to the other NCBI molecular biology resources.
PubMed is a free resource that is developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), located at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Publishers of journals can submit their citations to NCBI and then provide access to the full-text of articles at journal web sites using LinkOut.
When clicking on an article link, you can click the UHDB LinkOut button (shown below) which will give you access to the article if we subscribe, or will take you to an inter-library loan request form if we don't subscribe.

The King's Fund is an independent charity working in England to achieve the vision that the best possible health and care is available to all.
We do this by:
undertaking research and analysis – our ideas, expertise and evidence will shape policy and practice
developing individuals, teams and organisations – building capability to improve care
promoting understanding of the health and social care system
bringing people together – through events and networks – to learn, share knowledge and debate.
We know we make the most impact when we work on issues over a number of years – building evidence, influencing and making the case for change then working with system leaders and practitioners to ensure that change is driven by evidence and best practice. Our work over recent years on integrated care is a good example of this approach.

ClinicalKey is a medical search engine and database tool owned by medical and scientific publishing company Elsevier that offers access to hundreds of books and journals published by Elsevier and also links into our own collections. It gives access to the latest and most in-depth clinical knowledge for every stage of your career. An introductory video to ClinicalKey can be viewed here.
New Users
Log in to ClinicalKey using your OpenAthens username and password. All new users then need to “Activate” their account by clicking on the Trust name in the top right of the screen. Click on 'Activate' and complete the registration.
A step- by- step instruction is included in the Quick Reference Card.
Personalisation gives a lot of added value: Presentation Maker for the images, Saved Content personal tags, automatically tracking Search History, ClinicalKey app and much more.
Journal TOC Alerts
Sign up for table of content alerts for journals! To register for eTOC alerts, go to ClinicalKey.com, select your journal of interest, and click the New Issue Alerts “subscribe” link for that journal.
Accessing the App
First, create your own account, as explained above.
Download the app from the Apple or Google Play store. Once downloaded, open the app. If prompted select your region as Global. Scroll down to the OpenAthens login. Enter your details. You should now be connected.
You can find more information on Clinical Key here: https://www.clinicalkey.com/info/uk/

If you are preparing for any of the MRCP exams, then this is the site for you. Register for an account with the Library and you will be given access to www.medical-masterclass.com which has a question bank consisting of approximately 3000 MRCP (UK) Part 1 and Part 2 Written Examination type questions.
In addition, view and listen to audio-visual files to help you prepare for the MRCP (UK) PACES Examination.

​BMJ Best Practice is an evidence-based generalist point of care tool, uniquely structured around the patient consultation with advice on symptom evaluation, test ordering and treatment approach. You will need to set up a personal account once logged in, and you can also access BMJ Best Practice via their App.
First time users of BMJ Best Practice registering via OpenAthens should type and select NHS in England when asked to enter their institution. This applies to everyone eligible for an NHS OpenAthens account. There is no need to identify a more specific institution.
User guides and promotional materials can be found at https://www.bmj.com/company/hee/ (under ‘download helpful resources’).

Browzine is a user friendly way of looking at the journal titles that we subscribe to as a Trust. You can search via A-Z or by journal rank, link to articles and save titles to your own bookshelf. For more information, here is a video overview of the features:

Libkey is a quick and easy way to find out whether we have access to certain articles as a Trust, simply by entering the Pubmed ID or the DOI into the search bar. If we do have access, then a link will appear for you to click through to the article. If we don't have access, there should be a link to a request page should you require it.

On first use, you may have to select UHDB Library and Knowledge Service from the institution list.

If the access link doesn't show, you may then see a box saying "Library Access Options", this will click through to another page. If you then select "Revise Request" at the top, you can enter in the article details and this will then come through to us as an article request.

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension for Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Brave and Vivaldi browsers. LibKey Nomad connects you to library subscribed and open access full text articles referenced on scholarly websites like PubMed, Wikipedia and publisher pages.
Download Nomad: https://thirdiron.com/downloadnomad/
You can download the extension from your App provider (e.g. Google/Apple/Microsoft).

The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) is part of Better Value Healthcare Ltd (BVHC)
Better Value Healthcare Ltd (BVHC) is an Oxford-based company set up by Professor Sir Muir Gray to promote the practice of value-based healthcare for individuals and organisations in the healthcare sector. BVHC creates and disseminates training materials, delivers training courses, and engages in consultancy to help the key players in healthcare understand and increase value in their services.
Part of BVHC’s portfolio is the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP), which delivers training to help people make sense of scientific literature. The programme has developed workshops and tools for critical appraisal covering a wide range of research. It has also developed finding the evidence workshops, interactive and e-learning resources.
The philosophy of CASP has always been about sharing knowledge and understanding, working in ways that are non hierarchical, multidisciplinary and using problem based approaches. This ensures that it is accessible and has practical day to day application.

EndNote is reference management software which enables you to:
Keep all your references and reference-related materials in a searchable personal library.
Synchronise your references between your desktop and online accounts.
Share your references with collaborators through EndNote sync.
Use your references in word-processing documents, to create formatted citations and bibliographies or independent reference lists, via Cite While You Write.